MBA Master of Business Administration
Wrexham, United Kingdom
1 up to 2 Years
Full time, Part time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
GBP 11,000 / per year *
* full-time, 1 year billed only. 5,500 part-time
Why choose? this course?
An MBA continues to be the flagship qualification for postgraduate business students seeking to increase their subject knowledge, build a portfolio of management skills, and enhance their future career prospects in a competitive and increasingly global arena.
The MBA suite consists of several routes, all of which encompass three core topics that provide the foundation for a successful business, namely strategy, finance, and leadership.
- Focus on career development skills and knowledge in a supportive environment.
- Access to a network of aspiring business managers drawn from various sectors and organizations.
- Opportunity to attend Wrexham University on-campus business-related events.
- The research element of the program enables students to identify, investigate, analyze, and propose sound solutions to business problems.
- Teaching is interactive and, where possible, based on contemporary business issues throughout the program.
What you will study
- Implementing Strategies (Core)
- Integrated Communications (Core)
- HRM in Context (Core)
- Financial Insights & Business Intelligence (Core)
- Creative Change and Innovation (Core)
- Emphasizing the Environment (Core)
- Research Methods and Dissertation (Core)
- Evaluating Risk and Decisions (Optional)
- Strategic Marketing (Optional)
- Customer Continuity and Growth (Optional)
- Resourcing and Talent Management (Optional)
- Reward Management (Optional)
- Contemporary Leadership Themes (Optional)
The information listed in this section is an overview of the academic content of the program that will take the form of either core or option modules. Modules are designated as core or option by professional body requirements and internal academic framework review, so may be subject to change.
Program Outcome
Key course features
- Modules are aligned to the Institute of Directors Competency Framework, which encompasses a range of skills, knowledge, and mindsets.
- MBA route - There is a mix of traditional ‘hardcore’ academic business master’s modules consisting of strategy, finance, marketing, and HRM, which continue to be the foundation for this type of program. The program routes offer other modules, drawing on a wide range of bodies of knowledge, which reflect the context within which an organization is required to trade. The outcome is a rounded business outlook with insights into corporate governance, environmental concerns, marketing, and HRM perspectives within a framework of effective and critical reflective practice.
- MBA (Marketing) route - The inclusion of the Marketing route is particularly distinctive and is readily embedded within the program. The overarching teaching and learning strategy encompasses current business and marketing issues together with issues arising within the students’ workplaces if, and where, appropriate. This ensures the threefold framework of skills, mindset, and knowledge are oriented towards this particular body of expertise throughout the taught element of the program for students electing to take this route. When progressing to the dissertation route, there would be a clear expectation for the student’s research questions to focus on a topic that would benefit from research into marketing.
- MBA (HRM) route - Similarly, the HRM route is of increasing relevance where people are the foundation of a vibrant world economy, and requires a mindset that is supported by an understanding of HRM practices where transferable business knowledge and key management skills are important. During the generic taught modules, students will be encouraged and supported to bring HRM issues into classroom debate as a pre-curser to include and emphasizing current issues in their assignments. When reaching the dissertation stage, again there would be a clear expectation that HRM students would base their final projects on a research topic that is of international relevance.
Career Opportunities
Our Careers & Employability service is there to help you make decisions and plan the next steps towards a bright future. From finding work or further study to working out your interests, skills, and aspirations, they can provide you with the expert information, advice, and guidance you need.
The career direction of MBA students is both diverse and specialized, however, roles requiring effective planning and undertaking of projects are strongly evidenced, together with enhanced responsibilities and the management of a team or group where leadership skills and decision-making are required. Other roles may be more focused on a specialism such as human resources, marketing, finance, and accounting.
Past students have gone into roles including:
- Operations Managers
- Lean Managers
- Project Managers
- Human Resource Managers
- Marketing Managers.
Program delivery
Teaching & Assessment
The taught modules will be assessed predominantly through individual or group assignments. However, several modules will have an examination as part of the assessment procedure. You must pass all of your modules to attain 120 credits and progress onto the dissertation stage.
To be awarded the MBA, successful completion of the dissertation is required, and 180 credits attained. You will be required to submit your dissertation in the autumn following assessment in May. Upon progression to the dissertation stage, you will be allocated a supervisor to advise on the construction and progression of your dissertation.
Modular Assessment Schedule
Module code & title | Assessment type | Assessment loading |
Implementing Strategies | Oral Assessment 100% | 3,500 words |
Integrated Communications | Presentation 50% | 20 mins |
Financial Insights and Business Intelligence | Essay 50% | 2,000 words |
Contemporary Leadership Themes | Case Study 50% | 2,000 words |
Emphasizing the Environment | Coursework 100% | 3,500 words |
Evaluating Risk and Decisions | Coursework 60% | 2,500 words |
Creative Change and Innovation | Case Study 50% Presentation 50% | 2,500 words |
Research Methods/Dissertation | Dissertation 100% | 18,000 words |
The program is delivered through a series of six or eight taught subject-specific modules over two trimesters. Whilst there is a theoretical element within each module, the focus is on contemporary business issues and problems to provide case studies, and the opportunity for critical debate to enhance knowledge and practical application.
Students also study research methods and submit a research proposal at the end of trimester two. They are encouraged to select a research topic of a contemporary nature, related to business and management, which has potential value and relevance to future career aspirations. During the third semester, students complete a dissertation that involves a research element and attendance at a series of individually arranged supervision meetings.
The full-time program delivery is timetabled over two or three days per week, which provides flexibility for students who are working and can be completed over 12 months, provided satisfactory progress is made through the modular delivery.
Our part-time route extends the program to two years and requires attendance for one or two days per week during teaching weeks.
Full-time and part-time students will be taught together to enhance the richness of the learning environment in several areas, including opportunities for networking, communication, and group work.
Students will typically be expected to attend a three-hour block per week devoted to each module. This will consist of a lecture and a tutorial to enable skills development and application. The majority of the modules have two assignments that students will be required to complete to progress through the program.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.